Thursday, March 7, 2013

About Me

I have always been naturally small and thin and until the last year did not worry about working out or eating right. I ate fast food and sweets every day and my only form of exercise was walking to and from classes in college. This unhealthy lifestyle caused me to have the unrelenting belly pooch, stretch marks on mt inner thighs and cellulite all over my upper thighs. Since I am small and have always weighed less than I should for my height, I never saw a problem with my unhealthy lifestyle. I would always cover up my thighs with shorts during bikini season and suck in my stomach basically every day since I was 12.

It wasn't until I graduated college that being healthier started to mean something to me. There was a particular day when I felt that my stomach was not only a little bigger than I would like but more importantly was squishy. I mean really squishy, I could mush and mold my belly fat far more than anyone that weighs 110 lbs should be able to. That was the day I decided I needed to make it a priority to work out.

I started the summer after I graduated college because I was unemployed and had nothing to do with my free time except design clothing and work on being a healthier person. Since I had all the time in the world, I was working out for about 3 hours every day and spending and hour or so before that getting my body ready to work out with the right fuel and warm ups. This routine worked wonders for my body and I started seeing a change in the way my body looked and felt really quickly.

Even though no one else really noticed a difference, I was doing it for me and I was loving it! I was more confident and felt amazing about myself and my body. I was even confident enough to wear a bikini without a cover up for the first time in years.

The problem came when I started working again and was on my feet all day. I was so exhausted and my feet were throbbing so much when I got home that it took all my energy to feed myself. My shifts were so scattered and I just couldn't bring myself to continue working out as I had before. I tried every once in a while to do a little work out video but nothing really stuck.

Finally I changed jobs and started working a 9-4 desk job that had me off my feet all day and earned me more money to buy better food. This transition into a new work environment is what got me back on track and back to feeling better about myself.

This blog is about over coming those obstacles in your daily life that make it hard to get fit. I have had to change my work out routine many times to accommodate changing schedules and plans but I have always made time to sweat. Even if you can only start off with 5 minutes a day, I promise it will be worth it. The sooner you stop making excuses the sooner you can get into better shape and start feeling better about yourself.

I'm excited to start this adventure with you and hope that this blog will help inspire you to get off the couch and start working out!

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